Friday, June 17, 2011

The Forgotten Ones

There is nothing more depressing than a full closet and overstuffed drawers with the majority of its contents forgotten, ignored or rejected come styling time. It’s a proven fact that as human beings, we like to stick to what feels comfortable or familiar and do so most of the time.  Likewise, when putting together an outfit we constantly stick to our favorite outfits and clothes while disregarding and overlooking the rest of our wardrobe. 
I know I’m not the only one who loves the unworn clothes in my closet which I would like to wear but just haven’t. Another reason why we tend to resort to the same outfits is time constraints. Sometimes we don’t have time to run our own personal style sesh and put on a fashion show for our mirror before we pick an outfit.
Already knowing what clothes and accessories look good together makes getting ready quick and easy. If you are lounging around at home, use your spare time to go through all of your things and try on a bunch of different outfits! You’ll learn how you can utilize more things in your wardrobe and create a variety of looks so you don’t get bored with your clothes.
What makes a true fashionista and represents inspiring style is creativity and variation. Avoid pairing the same things together all the time and don’t be afraid to try something new. Create outfits that incorporate pieces of clothing or accessories that are waiting for their big début by actually being worn.
Flip through fashion magazines or browse websites to get ideas and encouragement for new looks to try. It’s okay to repeat the same pieces of clothing – and no one will even know! You can turn anything into a mixture of different looks by changing it up.
Doing this will make styling yourself much easier since you’ll already have an idea of what pieces look good together. That solves the time problem, and you’ll be encouraged to wear different things – plus it’s fun!

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