Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Fashion Lesson From Italy

The main thing on my mind after finding out that I was going to be spending part of the summer in Florence, Italy was of course what clothes I should bring. I spent time researching what websites and tourists had to say about the fashion there and what Italian’s typically wear. Some things were pretty accurate, but seeing it firsthand has obviously given me a better understanding of the highly regarded European fashion sense.
I always heard that Italy is one of the most fashionable places on earth, but never really understood what gave it that reputation until now. Everyone in America has a different style and dresses however they want. It’s obvious to most people what clothes and outfit choices actually seem “fashionable”, but in the U.S. a lot of people don’t dress according to that standard. It could be because they don’t care about presentation and looks, aren’t into fashion and don’t know much about it, want to be “unique” or are just lazy. However, that is not how people are in Italy.
In Italy, fashion is part of just about everyone’s life.  The people embrace it and put an effort into their looks because it’s important to them and a part of their culture. Presentation and first impressions are huge in Italy so it is important to them to give off nothing but positive and good auras which their looks can influence greatly.
People do as they see. In each Country, the ways the people live their daily life catches on and becomes the norm after being replicated over and over. In Italy, people see others dressed stylishly and take inspiration and direction from what they see. In America, we see people dressed down without much effort put into their look so we don’t have much to stir us and influence us.
Americans have the mindset that there are only certain times when they really need to put an effort into their appearance. We take the time to carefully dress for a job interview or party, but the rest of the time most of us throw on whatever is convenient and comfortable. That is a no-no in Italy. Everyday should be treated as important and relevant which your style should reflect.
Essentially, I learned the answer to my question of what gave Italian’s the reputation of being some of the most fashionable people - effort, presentation, acknowledgement and embracing of fashion, as well as inspiration. Anyone can achieve this stylish reputation with a mix of all of those things.
I’m one of those girls who tries to tone down my styling so that I don’t stick out in public and draw too many eyes. Lovers of fashion with style sense to be admired and inspiring shouldn’t feel the need to hold back due to the fashion-challenged people in society. I know I’m not the only one who wants to change the image of us being lazy, unfashionable, sweatpants wearing Americans.
Let’s learn a lesson from the Italian’s and start making our streets look more like a fashion show and less like a gym.

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