Friday, April 15, 2011

Jeggings – A girl’s best friend or worst nightmare?

When jeggings first came out I thought the idea was brilliant. A pair of pants that look and feel exactly like jeans but are as comfortable as leggings? Pants that fit perfectly to flatter my body and don't emphasize my love handles? Sold!
I knew these gems wouldn’t just be a trend, they would continue to be an essential item for every girl’s wardrobe. They’re the equivalent of the LBD (little black dress) version of jeans and pants.
 I’m not a huge fan of regular jeans because let’s face it, us girls are supposed to wear them as tight as possible and the restricting fabric is not the greatest feeling or most comfortable. After falling in love with my first pair of jeggings, I couldn’t help but buy more and more.
They quickly replaced all of my 7, True Religion and Hudson Jeans which I had no desire to wear anymore and eventually ended up bringing most of them to a consignment store. The thought of putting on regular jeans after discovering jeggings did and still does not seem appealing at all.
Jeggings were my best fashion friend… until I realized my bod was looking a little flabbier than I remembered it being not too long ago. The jeggings must have hid the fact that I was putting on a little weight since they stretch to fit your body, instead of you having to fit your body into them like regular jeans.
Putting on a pair of denim jeans, or better yet struggling to wiggle and jump your way into them, is one of the signs you need to hit the gym harder and stop eating late night pizza when you come home from a night of too much drinking.
I for sure don’t want to give up wearing my jeggings because I love them so much, but I also don’t want to face the possibility of having weight changes go unnoticed until it’s too late. What does a girl do in this situation?
Stepping onto a scale is one of the biggest fears some of us face, so I thought of a way to avoid having to resort to that. What I started doing is I keep wearing my jeggings as I normally would, but I put on a pair of my regular denim jeans every week or 2 just to see how they’re fitting.
By doing that you don’t have to obsess over a number on the scale but you can keep your body in check to make sure you’re being healthy. And the best part of course is that you can keep rocking your jeggings as much as you want and not have to think twice about it.
As the saying goes, some things are too good to be true… well, I guess jeggings aren’t exempt from that statement and even clothes can come with a downfall - but you live and you learn!

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